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Major Contributors to This Site
Susan Woodland, JDSusan Woodland Howard is responsible for her family lines: Woodland, Penrose, Adamson, and Davis.

Roy Richard Thomas - has become the muse our our family history website. He has raised the bar for all of us for high quality documentation. He has cleared up many family mysteries and found many others. He has provided vast amounts of information, including wonderful photos, contextual historical information, and links.

Members of the Deal, Thomas, Wehrwein, and Payne families, all of us are deeply indebted to him for his contributions.

Nancy Lancaster - photos, information and inspiration.
Bonny Harps - photos, information, and inspiration.
Shirley Peck Carlson - Peck genealogist supreme

Aliene Edge - Senter Family Information

Our Genealogist 

Aleksandrs Feigmanis, from the Museum "Jews in Latvia" in Riga. Aleks is an expert on the Jewish people who lived in Latvia. He knows Latvian, Russian, German, Yiddish, English, and Hebrew. He has access to the records of the National Archives. He publishes articles on Jewish genealogy and does work in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Belarus. Check out his website at   or contact him at

Dave Howard is the "I" in this site and webmaster. If there are additions or corrections please send me a note,
Susan Richter-Beckley has been an invaluable source of information, photos, and family stories. She is a major contributor and key muse for this site.
Bernie Dorin was the principal collaborator in the Horwitz family history project. He  provided vision, direction, and judgment, not to mention great moral and financial support. He has provided many of the of the older photos as well as invaluable family information.
Terry Howard  -   information, photos and reaching out to family

Bobbie Hill Fromberg - early inspiration, Segal Family history, photos 


Gail Murray - connected the team that started this site. 


Mandel Horwitz - Photos, stories, art, encouragement.
Slyvia Klapman - information, photos, encouragement. She is a talented and award winning artist. Click on her name link and login to see some of her work.
  • Bob Schwartz - made the initial effort to gather family data.



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The purpose of this site is to share family information. No commercial use without permission. If you would like to have access to our database or other matters regarding this web, contact This site is powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding ©, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2005. This page last updated: 12/16/08.